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Is Tiktok the next biggest avenue for Media Producers?

Clara Lamy

The latest Chinese social sensation is here, and it has taken the world by storm. There’s little doubt about the popularity of the platform and how it has garnered the opportunity to attract millions of followers, including celebrities who have played a pivotal part in its popularity.

But is Tik Tok going to be the next big thing for Media Production professionals, we are about to find that out.

While there has been a constant debate regarding how it has gained popularity amongst the younger audiences, it has also had a fair share of impediments, such as bans within the US and India, these challenges have consequently resulted in making the platform more resilient through the thick and thin.

But with so much creativity and content flowing in every day it's practically hard for the media production students to resist the temptation and establish their presence there. We spoke to a few fellow colleagues at The Media Society, and there was a mutual consensus on one thing. While TikTik may be growing, it is and would always remain a platform for the young teens.

However, having said that, it has also outgrown as a fad. Several other short video format platforms, such as Dubsmash, had their fair share of popularity, but then were lost into evanescence because the users chose to be on other platforms instead, or perhaps other platforms came into existence.

Thus, as a media producer, if you are looking at TikTok look at it through the lens of a niche audience marketer, in this case, the teens. TikTok might not become as big as Facebook or YouTube to reflect or become a viable platform for media enthusiasts. However, only time shall tell how it would evolve.


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